Poking Fun

What is Poking Fun?



1) A remark of sarcaism/witty expression as to make a joke about the other person/object. ie poke fun at someone - RIDICULE, MOCK

2) A act of having sexual intercourse/relations with another person or persons for fun ( comes from poke and poking )

3) The act of stabbing someone with an object and finding pleasure in it ( comes from poke )

4) The act of stricking/touching a person without much force usually very quickly especially repeatedly and with cause not pain to the person while both poeple find it funny ie a form of flirting ( comes from poking )

1) Hey man I was only poking some fun at you no offence.

2) I was poking fun with this girl last night. ie. something that 4) leads up to.

3) Man I love poking fun at people with my blade, I get Off on it.

4) man last night me and this girl was poking fun at eachother and then there was some more poking fun ;)


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