What is Political Correctness?


See bullshit. Proof that George Orwell was way ahead of his time when he wrote his "1984" novel.

Examples of politically correct bullshit.

midget = vertically challenged

fat = horizontally challenged

perverted = sexually dysfunctional

alive = temporarily metabolically abled

Negro = African American

Indian = Native American

Anyone from Central America, South America, or the Carribean = Hispanic

body odor = nondiscretionary fragrance

dishonese = ethically disoriented

gay = different

wrong = differently logical

dead = living impaired

pregnant = parasitically opressed

fired = laid off

poor = financially inept

homeless = residentially flexible

tall = person of height

garbage-man = sanitation engineer

blind = visually challenged



Something that started out as a sort of moral common sense - actually not a bad idea, eg. saying 'black person' instead of 'god-damn cotton-pickin' nigger'.

However, the whole thing got utterly out of hand in the early 90s to the point where a lot of people will say 'Afro-Carribean' or 'Afro-American' because they think it's racist to say 'black'! It gets even more ridiculous when you consider that in some parts people think it's offensive to 'blackboard' or 'black coffee'.

What began as a force for good (considering the number of people who really are racist, sexist and homophobic) has since become a laughing stock beacause of the ridiculous extremes to which certain neurotic ultra-liberals took it - cf. a person being 'vertically challenged' rather than short. This has actually undone a lot of progress made in changing bigoted attitudes (as bigot can claim any offence taken at their views is 'political correctness gone mad), whilst making people feel guilty for enjoying anything but the blandest, most anaemic humour for fear of being 'offensive'. I mean, seriously, what's funnier out of 'Friends' and 'South Park'? (Or 'The League of Gentlemen' for the benefit of any Brits out there?)

At the same time as straight white able-bodied men are going out of their way to talk about 'ethnic people' (who ISN'T ethnic!?) and those of 'different sexual orientation', there are blacks calling themselves niggas (which has been going on for years), gays calling themselves (and eachother!) poof, queens and queers, and so on - the real way to neutralize a term used as as an insult is for those to whom it was applied to use it themselves.

AT its worst, political correctness is nothing different form Orwell's Newspeak - an attempt to change the way people think by forcibly changing the way they speak. So let's have a backlash against the nannying, interefering, cotton-wool Stalinism 'ploitical correctness' has become - not to placate bigots, but to speak the truth and enjoy outrageous humour like we're meant to. Remember, the next time someone says they don't like Harry Potter because Hermione is a stereotypically sensitive girl, the relevant word to call them is 'cunt'.

See also liberal guilt, stereotyping, stupidity

b.t.w. a great many stereotypes exist because they're essentially TRUE.

Tory Politician: "The over-reaction to that joke I told about the bloody nog-nogs is just another example of political correctness gone mad!"

Limp-wristed idiot: "I'm not sure I feel comfortable with your use of the word 'woman', and the assumption of an inflexible gender binary that goes with it..."


An inverted facsist philosophy that absolutely no-one should conform to unless they are an ignorant, bleeding-heart liberal idiot.

''Yes i'd like a black coffee, please''.

''Excuse me Sir that is uncalled for. Its 'coffee without milk' ''.

''Just fuck off and bring me my coffee, you fucking liberal!''


The death of comedy.

When all shows are politically correct, show's like South Park will be the first to go


Organized Orwellian intolerance and stupidity, disguised as compassionate liberalism.

Political correctness is most well known as an institutional excuse for the harassment and exclusion of people with differing political views.


1. Factual incorrectness. A well-used example is calling a blind person 'visually challenged'. The person is not challenged visually, they are INCAPABLE of doing anything visually. They are blind. By an odd coincidence, those who use such PC terminology are also blind.

2. The passing of blame for certian conditions from those responsible to those who use the 'wrong' words

I don't need to exercise. Political correctness says that I'm not fat, but that I'm height and weight disproportional. It's not my fault. Now let's go get a super-size Whopper (R) meal.


Political correctness is far more than just silly, constipated speech codes. It is an entire moral outlook and cultural ethos -- namely, that of the political Left.

Basically, a person or thing is considered 'politically correct' when it gives positive strokes to the Left's angelic, messianic self-conception.

Lefties like to demonize anybody who dares to criticize them, but I decline to reciprocate. I don't think they are demons; I think they are all too human. They are "dodging the grim shadow of self-knowledge", fearing the unavoidable Loss of Innocence this would bring, and the frank acknowledgement that they too are part of the human slime-mold --

capable of foul behavior and bad judgement just like everybody else. It's time for them too get off their friggin' pedestal.....

I could go on and on describing what political correctness is, but I'll content myself with the brief observation that what I've written here is 180 degrees opposite to it.

I'm pretty sure that a few politically correct people will read this and think I am talking about somebody else....


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