Politically Correct

What is Politically Correct?


A way that we speak in America so we don't offend whining pussies.

Only pathetically weak people that don't have the balls to say what they feel and mean are politically correct pussies.

See Superior Intellect


1. The laws of moral and ethical relativism; all systems of cultures and thought are equal in value, steming from a perceived guilt from white liberals who believe that the Western Civilization is the root of all evil to the exclusion of all else.

2. A powerful form of censorship.

abbr: PC

Political correctness has a basic flaw. If all views are equal, why do some who embrace this view feel the need to push this agenda as the "correct" one at the same time demonizing other views as "incorrect"?

See tradesman


The idealogy of weird left wing liberals who want society to be nothing but accepting of all perverts and freaks everywhere. The main basis is not to offend anyone with one little incorrect word.

Jamal was offended by me calling him a perverted gay fairy black boy all stung out on crack. The politically correct thing to say would be that Jamal is leading an acceptable alternative lifestyle as an african-american homosexual who has the disease of drug addiction.


A method of controlling and dictating public speech and thought.

See: Newspeak in George Orwell's 1984

Acronym: PC


Movement in America founded on well-meaning intentions to promote equality in language and representation of diverse groups. However, this has now been oversimplified and misused by politicians in their attempt to win the favour of as many "minority" and interest groups as possible.

The struggle to be "politically correct" has made common people easily irritable and oversensitive to the words of others and their own words. It has created a society that walks on eggshells and that has difficulty being personal with each other because coworkers and potential friends can't joke around for fear of offending the other.

The use of the word "American" to describe the United States is being written out of U.S. History and Government textbooks for fear of it being "politically incorrect" and offensive to South Americans and Canadians.

Quoting a friend: "Someone shouted at me today for making fun of Jews. He said it was politically incorrect. That was before he found out that I was Jewish, and making fun of ourselves is a part of Jewish culture."

Soon first-year high school and college students will be called "freshpersons" to be politically correct.

See Elizabeth


A form of censorship practiced by faggots and leftist subversive fucks so they don't have to hear any points of view that they don't agree with.

"You can't say 'George Bush'. It offends me. I have the right to not be offended"

See Cardinal


people who try so hard to say the right thing they end up just looking like twats

that kiddies programme with the little purple dinosaur. theres the asian kid, the ginger kid, the african kid, the kid in the wheelchair and the big fat fuck of a dinosaur


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