
What is Politician?


1. A person who practices politics.

"Politics" is derived from the words "poly" meaning "many", and "tics" meaning "blood-sucking parasites."

2. One who was perfected the art of lying.

3. A highly paid yes-man.

George W. Bush promised a man mission to Mars, of course we should believe him!


corporate whore who fakes compassion to gain the trust of the general public. Often a complete fuckwit.

Someone who would rather suck thier fathers cock than answer a question honestly.

see: liar, whore, fake.

George Bush, Tony Blair, Margret Thatcher, Ron Davis.

iEcl. Rhodri Morgan /i

See snap


People that should never, ever be trusted under any circumstances.


A dirty thieving cocksucker.

That Reggie is a fucking politician.


Person who so desires power that they have lost all notion of morality and will now do or say anything to acquire more power.


A lawyer in power.



Crook driven by money.

Roughly 95 percent of the time, the politician who spends more money on their campaign wins.

See criminal, liar, president, congress, senate


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