
What is Politics?


The fastest way to piss off anybody and make enemies.

See Republican vs. Democrat.

See Matt


Poli: Many


Tic(k)s: Bloodsucking creatures.


= Many bloodsucking creatures.

Why is it that mankind will tear down a living leader, but revere a dead one? See George Bush.

-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...

See Phrigajiblenoghip


1. the one and only place on earth where "My Esteemed Colleague" means "This Prick Here."

2. the place where "they" (see politicians) tell me how screwed up i am, and immediately thereafter demand 44% of my screwed-uppedness.

Senate, White House, House of Representatives.


Democrats: "Whales can fly"

Republicans: "Giraffes are purple"

normal person: "what the fuck?"

brainwashed citizen: "If you don't even vote then you don't have any right to talk about politics"

normal person: "My god,earth is really an insane asylum!"


To lie

Im going to politics this test!


A summary of American politics goes as follows IMHO:

A Republican thinks he is doing the will of God.

A Democrat thinks he IS God.

Republican: This is what Jesus would want! Bombings, oil pipelines, war, huge deficits...surely God agrees with the PNAC mission statement for America to dominate the world!

Democrat: If Jesus were alive today, he would be a Democrat, because He was incapable of sin, just like all Democrats are! We Democrats exist solely oppose the evil, satanist Nazithuglikkkanazis, just like Jesus!


The cage which houses monkeys and snakes. See political party.



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