
What is Pomegranate?


An awesome fruit where you suck on the seeds, then either spit them out or swallow them. They make your hands pretty dirty, though

This Pomegranate is awesome. It's so sour and sweet and yummy.

See orgasmic, awesome, fruit


the greatest fruit ever. pomegranates own! go to pomwonderful

pomegranates make for a delicious snack.


Noun: The aftermath from having sex with your girlfriend when she's on her period, usually arising from quick release.

Verb: To splatter after having sex while on your period.

Oh shit, that felt good, but we just made a pomegranate.


She just pomegranated all over my new sheets.

See sex, period, blood, splatter, juice


slang word for the phrase "thats what she said!"

**created by frozt_byte on the lake mead trip**

"Dude i ate so much i feel like im gonna explode!"



See thats what she said, fruit, slang, phrase, rofl


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