
What is Ponkey?


A Ponkey is synonymous with something that doesn't exist. However, many believe it exists. It doesn't. Even if it does, it's probably the turdiest thing this world has ever seen.

Hammie: Do you see that ponkey over there on that chiffarobe?

Anonymous51993: Um, not really because it's not there. It's just a figment of your imagination.


Anonymous51993: (Kills Hammie with a chiffarobe)

See ponkey, ludicrious, chiffarobe, sux, sucks, turd


is often a girl, an ugly girl, that looks like a combine of a pig and a donkey. she is fat and short and has giant protruding buck teeth. aka connie

guy: dude look at that ugly chick

dude: she's such a ponkey

See ponkey, donkey, connie, ugly, fat


A donkey cross bred with a pony creating a small equestrian animal. Ponkeies can be of the x chromozone or xy chromozone. Trust me I own three. Can be a multiple birth. Can look like the mare or father.

That ponkey looks like it's mom.

See donkey, pony, ponkey


From the Afrooocan American word honkey referring to white man. This is actually the dorkiest of the white men. Usually walks funny, and has a cooler older brother.

Why did that ponkey have to crash our party. Who brought that ponkey. That ponkey can't shoot worth shit.


usually a male who gets a lot of pussy but seems to have the appearance of a rather good-looking donkey.

Yo look over at that.. how the hell is that ponkey mackin it wit her.


panda+monkey=ponkey.. and a friend were in a geogeraphy class and i drew a random Monkey, he sed it was a panda that i drew. after 1 minute of argueing we decdided it was a cross between both-a ponkey! mating call "orrraaarrrrrruuuuuu"

ahhhh a ponkey is attacking!!!!

See panda, monkey, munky, ponkey, ponky


A stange dwarfed equine derived from the mating of a pony and a donkeymonly white in colour with black extemitys

Hey quentin that donkey look as though its trying to climb over that pony but cant quite make it.................. SOME MONTHS LATER: W.T.F is that! is that a ponkey?

See mule, w.t.f, equine, BOWEN


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