
What is Poonjob?



It's like Nigger for Indians!

(now available at your local convinience store)

(read in funny indian accent)

Samir: What is up my Poonjob

Ankesh: you a crazy Poonjob

Samir: Poonjob please, I ain't nobody's Poonjob

Ankesh: Bitch, you my dirty stinking Poonjob.

Samir: Go fuck a goat

See punjab, poonjab, poonjabi, punjabber, punjabi, punjobed, indian


A total fuck up, basically a total fuckup.

"That dudes a fucking poonjob."

See dumbass, loser, fuckhead, bitch, idiot


1.) n. Endearing term for a silly individual.

2.) n. Derogatory term for a disliked person, place or thing.

1.) Yo, Shell's a fucking poonjob.

2.) Yo, Amy can't stand those poonjobs.


Endearing term for a silly individual.

Yo, Shell's a fuckin' poonjob.


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