What is Poop Tobogan?
The action of toboganning down a large slope and wiping out or falling off 1/2 down the hill but continuing to maintain downhill momentum great enough to release ones bowels during the momentum down the rest of the slope.
For really good porn, German Scheister Videos proudly presents a new segment of adult entertainment, Poop Tobogan, coming soon to a theater near you.
We were neck and neck in the race until she had a poop tobogan and crossed the finish line.
The action of toboganning down a large slope and wiping out or falling off 1/2 down the hill but continuing to maintain downhill momentum great enough to release ones bowels during the momentum down the rest of the slope.
For really good porn, German Scheister Videos proudly presents a new segment of adult entertainment, Poop Tobogan, coming soon to a theater near you.
We were neck and neck in the race until she had a poop tobogan and crossed the finish line.