
What is Pope?


A holy dude witha cool hat and bullet-proff golf cart

I like the pope, the pope smokes dope.

See King Kong


An awesome guy that rides aroud in a Pope mobile because he got shot. He actually went to prison and personally forgave the guy that shot him. Thats love.

The pope is the "godfather" of the catholic church


The leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He has the power to appoint and remove church leaders, including the electors in the College of Cardinals.

The Pope has dedicated his life to serving God.

See Nicolai


1. a pretty fuckin cool guy. he yelled at president Pussy Bush.

2. cool enough to get a bullet proff golf cart and name it "the pope mobile"

3. some guy whos not athiest.



3. Love ya god


Pope(Latin, Father); The title of the Bishop of Rome, the western roman catholic church. The first Bishop of Rome is believed to be St. Peter, since in Matthew 16 Christ gave the Keys of Heaven unto St. Peter, meaning authority in Isaiah 22 of the Old Testament. Authority over God's household. Through Apostolic Succession, the title of Bishop of Rome has been kept in tact, the current Bishop of Rome is, John Paul II successor of the Seat of Peter. For any of you ignorant of anything or history, the Popes who did the inquisition and crusades never touched doctrine, therefore the Church has been saved from their awful duty as an individual. The Pope also serves much use, and to the ignorant Christians; there are 21 Rites of the Roman Catholic Church, therefore attacking the Church as a whole, you're attacking yourself, considering protestants came off the Latin Rite or known as, the Roman Rite in the western side of Christianity.

Pope; Visible head of the Catholic Church.

See Brent


Former first-team goal-keeper of Krakow United quite some time ago. (True)

"And Romananovski has failed to take down the attacking striker, as he winds up for the shot and...WHATS THIS?! The goalkeeper is praying?! The shot is screaming towards the goal and...(ooooh, damn) That keeper is going to need a nosejob..." "You're right there Ken, maybe he should convert to priesthood."


Pope John Paul II died April 2, 2005.

He will be replaced by the end of April

The Pope was a great man

See Chase


The Pope is well known for sitting around the Basilica in his Pope-hat, drooling all over himself and mumbling incoherently in Latin. To me, that sounds like my weekends. So, to Pope is synonmous with relaxing, "chilling", "gellin'", etc.

So, I was Popin' with my homenuggets the other day, when I had this great idea for a new kind of cream-filled pastery.

See caru


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