
What is Pop-mosher?


Ahh the pop-mosher, a term I made up myself. Basically, a pop-mosher has all the traits a wannabe-goth has, but is in ways very different.

Firstly, lets start with the pop-mosher's musical taste. Pop-mosher's will listen to anything containing a guitar, bass and drums basically. To name a few bands or singers, the main few are: Avril Lavinge, My Chemical Romance, Green Day. Also, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot and Evanescence may be reffered to as 'goth' music by a pop-mosher. They may also listen to Mcfly, Busted, Pink and Fightstar, but they may be considered ''too mainstream'' for them; as they like to see themselves as individual.

Secondly, what does a Pop-mosher wear? Well, a pop-mosher will wear anything that is black basically and think they're gothic. T-shirts with skull emblams, fire and the like can usually be seen upon a pop-mosher. But sometimes they will wear bright colours and think of themselves as individual or standing out. Popular brand names with the pop-mosher are Dickies, Vans and for the girls, clothes from Tammy girl which thankfully has shut down near where I live. Fake converses are very popular with the pop-mosher, and sometimes they may even have a real pair :O Also, the New Rock SHOES not the boots the SHOES are semi-popular too.

Finally, what else can define a pop-mosher? Well, some accesories like chains and tons of eyeliner can be tracked down to the pop-mosher. But basically, as I said before a pop-mosher is very much like a wannabe-goth. So if you still don't know what a pop-mosher is just look at the definitions for wannabe goth.

A girl or boy walks down the street with huge chains and tons of eyeliner listening to ''gothic'' Slipknot. A real goth walks past and gives them a dirty look.

Goth - under breath - fucking wannabe

Pop-mosher- just because I'm more gothic than you! yeah slipknot sooo gothic im such a goth because I'm depressed and wear black yeeeah satan

See wannabe, wannabe goth, emo kid, mini mosher


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