Popular Kids

What is Popular Kids?


A non-existent group. The theory of popular kids makes no sense because if everyone outside of the group refers to them as the popular kids and doesn't like that group, they are really only popular among themselves. The only truly popular kids are the relatively quiet ones that everybody can get along with.


Me: Would that be popular as in the kids who play sports and wear pink collar shirts that everyone makes fun of or popular as in the ones that people actually like?

See popular, kids, high, school


A bunch of arrogant snot nosed cocky pricks who think they are gangsters and go around beating people up. They own Geo Metros/ with meaningless "mods" such as body kits, large exhaust pipes, powder blue/powder pink paint job, a huge spoiler, blue/pink neon lights on the chassis, Altezza tail lights, a huge subwoofer in the back so everyone can hear the kid's "phat beats" playing, and last but not least, their prefect girlfriend who abuses her powers way too much in the shotgun seat.

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Usually characterized by overall wealth, fashionable style, confidence, the "popular kids" vary from school to school. Depending on what school you go to, they can be intelligent, intelligent but dumb themselves down, or just downright idiots. They come in all shapes and sizes, from petite brunettes to towering blondes. Most of them throw/attend the best parties in town, date the hottest girls/boys in town, and wear the most envy-worthy clothes in town.


Popular boys are often exceedingly confident, to the point where they are arrogant. They can dress preppy, in Polo and Vineyard Vines, or some take the gangstaapproach and try to dress ghetto(even though most of them are white and all of them are rich.) The boys are mostly on sports teams, USUALLY lacrosse, football. Occasionally you may find a runner or a soccer player amongst them. If one of them doesn't play a sport, he has to become a clownto stay in the group. Clownsare those funny-to-the-point-where-they're-desperate kids who try to make fun of everyone and everything. Everyone always laughs along because they're Popular, but the actual funny-ness of their jokes is only so-so. Some of the boys are complete morons, some are A students. But all of them have no respect for teachers and frequently attend detention for it. You also might get a rare "Popular Nerd" in the mix, this kid is a complete dork who is allowed to hang with the popular kids to do their homework and be the butt of their jokes and pranks. The Popular Nerd is often changed on a weekly basis, unless he changes his ways and becomes a permanent asset to the group. These boys, although they brag of glory in battle, rarely actually physically fight, lest they hurt themselves. They are often quite manipulative, sometimes more so then the girls they hang out with.


Much like their male counterparts, the Popular Girls have a certain icy confidence that they flaunt, usually to make others feel unworthy. This confidence usually comes from hyper-competitive, overbearing, rich parents who constantly spoil their brats. These girls hang out together in the same cliquesthey have since pre-K everyday after school. Some are naturally intelligent, but most dumb themselves down in order to become more appealing to (shallow) boys. Thus, many of them befriend "The Popular Nerd" and manipulate him into doing homework for them. Some may seem nice, and, hey, in your school, they might actually be nice. But often, they are just shallow, insecure girls. They are usually catty and fight amongst themselves over boys and status using advanced psychological warfare. Their hairis always perfect, whether is be blonde, brunette, or red, and is usually straightened. Their skin is mostly clear and smooth, and rarely you see one that's not in excellent physical condition. Much unlike their male counterparts, they suck up to teachers, big time. We're talking cupcakes, brownies, surprise parties. It's creepy, but it sometimes is the difference between a C+ and a B-. They may treat you nicely one day, but don't count on that 'Hello!' in the hallway the next day. Often, they have this notion that they are actually better then everyone else.

Boys and girls usually start drinkingin 8th/9th grade and stomach pumps are a norm. Rarely do they get involved with drugs, the alcohol consumption is just a desperate cry for parental attention. It's quite sad. Some girls will start cuttingthemselves and sleeping around quite a lot. The rest of their group will usually look down on this behavior (even though they've been known to sleep around too) and possibly will shun the offender. Some of the boys will be ousted too, charged with "not being funny enough" or "not getting enough babes." Those ousted will usually go down one of two roads. Either they'll wake up and start trying to improve their academic performance OR they'll sink deeper into partying and alcohol. For the remaining popular group, the future is not always clear. Sure, they say they'll be friends forever, but in a few years, being popular won't matter. It's collegetime. Some of them will get into great schools and probably take over Daddy's business and produce one or two Popular babies with their Popular spouses. But the others? Maybe get into a decent/ averagecollege. Do averagely. And end up working for the nerds in your high school/other high schools. Live an average life. Not a miserable one, just average. Never do anything particularly extraordinary. Have a couple of kids, maybe. But the glory daysof high school are gone, and are never coming back.....

GEEK: I hate those popular kids with their sports and parties and....

ME: Calm down. In a few years, all of that will end and they'll be working for us. Just focusing on getting good grades and you'll be fine.

GEEK: Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense.....

See popular, preps, jerks, polo, rich, girls, boys


People who are often used as scape goats by kids he feel out of place in high schools. Usually singled out for being more succesful and happy with themselvs.

Emo Kid- I hate popular people because they are all conformist pigs who aren't unique

me-No, no, no. You are just jelous that they are more succesful and happy about themselvs. I am not popular but I don't go and bitch about what they are doing because I can enjoy life


Kids who are hated by geeks and rejects because of jealousy. The jealous kids may say things like "I could be popular if i wanted to" but they know they can't. After all, it's not the popular kids' fault the geeks act strange and wear wierd clothes.

The popular kids aren't so bad once you get to know them.

See popular, geeks, rejects, school, nerds


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