
What is Porching?


The act of taking unwanted, outdated, or stolen merchandise to the highest floor of a house or apartment and throwing said merchandise over the balcony or out the window. This usually takes place after copious amounts of drinking or from excessive boredom. Typical items to be porched are old bicycles, Betamax VCRs, fried computer monitors, etc. On a rare occasion a stolen Honda scooter might be porched. It is preferred that a crowd be gathered at the base of the dwelling to spread the enjoyment amongst as many as possible.

Mikey drank a whole bottle of Cuervo the other night and decided porching his roommate's futon would be a good idea. It got pretty ugly after that.

See binge drinking, vandalism, destruction, fun, blumpkin


Chillin on a porch for an extended amount of time. Preferably smoking, drinking brews, and watching the cops roll on by.

Cunter: What happened to all the tree you had?

Jason: After the party died we went porching til the sun came up.

Cunter: Aw shit, son, you know how to kill sack.

See brew, chillin, bitches, nwa


noun, verb, adjective; engaging in a sexual act on a porch, patio, deck, or any outdoor unenclosed public structure.

"I love porching fresh meat!"

"Lord Savage is totally outside porching some ugly chick."

"Hey whats that thumping noise coming from outside? Oh thats just some people porching."

See porch, patio, deck, sex, public


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