Pork And Cheese

What is Pork And Cheese?


Derogatory or merely joke word to describe someone of Portuguese origin...often used in Southern Ontario where at least half a million Portuguese live.

Hey Fatima are u pork and cheeese


Cockney Rhyming Slang (UK) for "Portuguese". NOT a derogatory term unless used with another word(s). For example, "check out that fuckingpork 'n' cheese wanker!"

There are a lot of Pork 'n' Cheese living over here these days.

See Robbo


a deroatory term for a portuguese man. If portuguse people are called pork and cheese they'll kick ur fricken ass or pull out some pork and cheese and make u eat it.

look at the pork and cheese eat his pork and cheese with his bread.

See funny, cool, drunk


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