
What is Pornography?


1) educational programming recommended junior high students who need to see how its done

2) a collection of dvd's stored in your dad's closet marked 'baby pictures'

1) Emily and Jack ate carrots as they watched pornography.

2) Yes.. this is a boring box of baby pictures.. please do not open this box..


95% of the websites on the internet.

Click here 4 free boobz!


Any material which becomes, right after masturbating, not at all interesting.

The newest addition to my voluminous collection of pornography is the 1983 classic "Granny Trannies."

See porn, pr0n, erotica, porno, adult entertainment


Explicit descriptions, picture, and/or video of sexual acts. Some people may consider it offensive, but many consider it to be a useful tool for masturbation.

When I went to Peoplefuckingeachother I saw some pornography.

See phi


The reason why the family computer is always slow, Look in the job application folder in "dad's work stuff's"n you'll find alot of it.

<job application folder>





See bing


(1) Sexier than sex itself.

(2) Sexuality that is simulated, airbrushed, packaged and commoditized.

"At the heart of pornography is sexuality haunted by its own disappearance.” Jean Baudrillard

See simulation, simulacrum, commodity, fantasy


-The world's most popular past time.

I enjoy doing pornography

See porn, porno, pornographic, sex, sexual intercourse


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