
What is Posers?


A poser is someone who tries to fit into a profile they aren't. People who try to give off the impression that they are one thing when they are really another.

Also, a poser can be one who says they can do something that they can't.

Or more commonly, a poser is someone who, when doing something successfully, takes more than enough credit for it.

Lots of types of Posers, for example The guys who hang out with skateboarders but can't actually skate, even though they have a board.


A poser is a girl/guy who listens to a certain type of music or dresses a certain way to impress people or to fit into a certain crowd. often times people get mixed up with those who are posers and those who are not. If you go out buy a sk8r-boi sweatshirt and a skate board and go out on the town and ride around and some one shouts out " fucking poser" are you one ? NO! Come on people..you went out and bought the skateboard so you could...erm GET BETTER! Seriously how are you ever going to become a skateboarder if you dont practice and get better? *cough exactly* now in a different situation. Lets say you go out buy a skateboard...by the way you dont even know the brand of the board and you go out with your friends and just sit there while they do there little skateboarding tricks ... so basically you are just there to look cool..then are you a poser. Yah? yes!

stephen22: Hey i bought the board

sk84life: oh awesome...wut is it?

stephen22: um i donno man ...its blue and white...ermmm....ya

sk84life: man get it together... all the guys are talkin bout u now.

stephen22: wut? why?

sk84life: man they r sayin that u are a poser...

stephen22: well...i'm not?

sk84life: when u dont know wut your own board is then we have a problem

....Dead Silence....

See Alyssa


Half the people at my school.

Hanes Midle school in Winston-Salem, NC is full to bursting with posers.


Alright, where shall I start? Hmm.. A poser is someone who tries to fit in with a certain crowds, or masks who they really are to fit in.

You shouldn't have to do this to be accepted.

I mean, don't say you skateboard when one, you have no idea how to in the first place, and two, you could get yourself into a conversation about skateboarding where you don't know what the hell you're even talking about.

I mean, why should it matter what crowd you fit into?

If you're naturally a scene kid, go ahead, keep on being scene. We like it.

If you're naturally a prep, be a prep. Who gives a flying leap?

If you're a prep, and you like a scene kid and you feel you have to change yourself so that they'll notice you, don't. They won't like it, and you won't like it. Besides, who knows? They may just like you for the way you are.

Ohh, and just because someone listens to Good Charlotte, doesn't mean that they're a poser. They just like them.

If a situation arises where you hear that someone likes Good Charlotte, talk to them. See if they like any other bands. Who knows? They could like A Cursive Memory or The Dreseden Dolls just as much.

..BUT, if they say, "Ohh yeah, Good Charlotte is like, so punk.", you have my permission to kick the shit out of them.

Good Charlotte is not punk, mmkay pumpkins?

but just because some people like them doesn't mean they're posers.

See good charlotte, poser, stuff, yourmom, sucky


well, a poser is someone who says that they are a punk because they have a cky cd and a ramones shirt, and dont even like the cd, and have never heard a song by the ramones,clash, sex pistols, or real punk music. most have liberty spiked hair or a "fohawk", and listen to Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Avril Lavinge, or songs about relationships(and ending them, and how bad it hurts)

dude, im such a punk!!! i got the Good Charlotte Dvd and a sex pistols shirt. dude, im so fuckin cool


people who think they know crap about stuff but they really don't and it makes them look like idiots.

I'm not mormon and i don't know anything about them, but they are stupid and brainwashed anyway!

See melanie



Definition 1: Wears black clothes, and sick t-shirts to impress people and look tough.

Definition 2: Buys a skateboard because they didn't do too well hanging out with the gangsta's.

Definition 3: Listens to Avril Lavigne and wear spike bracelets around their arms the next day.

Example 1:

Moe: Hey, do you skate?

Unknown: No.

Moe: Then why are you wearing Element?

Unknown: I want to skate.

Example 2:

Unknown: Excuse me sir, I want to buy that shirt with the two guns pointing at each other and the rose in the middle. I think it will make me look cool.


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