Posh Girls

What is Posh Girls?


Posh Girls - a British term for the Posh Girls in the UK. Posh = rich, spoilt, snotty, Snob, etc...

Posh Girls tend to walk in packs of two - donning fluffy hair and a floppy comb-overof the forehead. The fluffyness of the hair is to look semi- emoand a little hippychic - but actually its because they think anyone who uses hair straightners and hairspray is comman muck. The fluffy hair look also stems from the Polo sport scene, and the horse riding scene - which a Posh Girl has taken part of most of her life, or frequented such pretentious events. Usually pro fox-hunting as their parents are country folk, and also class themselves as a Tory - because thats what their Father's political stance is... they actually dont follow politics themselves and dont know what a Tory is anyhow...

Posh Girls, you'll find, tend to show off there poshness mostly in the Sixth form faze (16 - 18 yrs old)- and always don the latest fashion clothes and accessories (as long as they are a'Posh Girl' style). However, Posh Girls dont earn and pay for the clothes etc themselves. They dont usually work as their parents buy them these clothes. Posh Girls cash in on their parents underlying guilt of sending them off to private boarding schools as soon as they popped out into the world.

Note the loud dangly sounding silver bracelets and earrings these girls wear. This draws attention to just how Posh and Rich these girls are. Notice the extreamly rosey cheeks. This tends to stem from numorous rah-rar Hockey stick matches played during Phys-Ed at Posh School.

The clothes, like the hair - stems from the emoscene - but not quite so emo. More flower prints and hippy bags. Bright colours. They dont actually lisen to alternative music at all but like to pretend they do so they can attract the Surfers in Cornwall, and Brighton - England.

The Posh Girls can usually be spotted on the metro in London, Sloan Square, and Bond Street.

Normal Person 1: "Lets head over to those shops over there."

Normal Person 2:"We cant, there is a cattle troupe of Posh Girls heading this way - and their fluffy hair is blocking our path!"

See posh, snob, snotty, toff


A girl born into a rich family. I know no one cares about school, but I will just say, there parents can afford to send them to private school. So they will tend to be snobby. Some are in US but most are in the UK. Its pretty much imposable to get rich enough to make your kids them, but don't have kids they: suck, smell, annoy and don't do anything good anyway.

Posh girls are any girls born into money.

See rich, upper class, posh, capitalism, class, united states, united kingdom


Posh Girls - a British term for the Posh Girls in the UK. Posh = rich, spoilt, snotty, Snob, etc...

Posh Girls tend to walk in packs of two - donning fluffy hair and a floppy comb-over of the forehead. The fluffyness of the hair is to look semi-emo and a little hippy chic - but actually its because they think anyone who uses hair straightners and hairspray is comman muck. The fluffy hair look also stems from the Polo sport scene, and the horse riding scene - which a Posh Girl has taken part of most of her life, or frequented such pretentious events. Usually pro fox-hunting as their parents are country folk, and also class themselves as a Tory - because thats what their Father's political stance is... they actually dont follow politics themselves and dont know what a Tory is anywho.

Posh Girls, you'll find, tend to show off there poshness mostly in the Sixth form faze (16 - 18 yrs old)- and always don the latest fashion clothes and accessories (as long as they are a'Posh Girl' style). However, Posh Girls dont earn and pay for the clothes etc themselves. They dont usually work as their parents buy them these clothes. Posh Girls cash in on their parents underlying guilt of sending them off to private boarding schools as soon as they popped out into the world.

Note the loud dangly sounding silver bracelets and earrings these girls wear. This draws attention to just how Posh and Rich these girls are. Notice the extreamly rosey cheeks. This tends to stem from numorous rah-rar Hockey stick matches played during Phys-Ed at Posh School.

The clothes, like the hair - stems from the emo scene - but not quite so emo. More flower prints and hippy bags. Bright colours. They dont actually lisen to alternative music at all but like to pretend they do so they can attract the Surfers in Cornwall, and Brighton - England.

The Posh Girls can usually be spotted on the metro in London, Sloan Square, and Bond Street.

Normal Person 1: "lets head over here to go shopping."

Normal Person 2: "We cant, there is a group of Posh Girls heading towards us, and their fluffy hair is blocking the way!"

Normal Person 1: "Lets head over to those shops over there."

Normal Person 2:"We cant, there is a cattle troupe of Posh Girls heading this way - and their fluffy hair is blocking our path!"

See rich, wealthy, snotty, toff


Posh Girls - a British term for the Posh Girls in the UK. Posh = rich, spoilt, snotty, Snob, etc...

Posh Girls tend to walk in packs of two - donning fluffy hair and a floppy comb-over of the forehead. The fluffyness of the hair is to look semi- emoand a little hippy chic - but actually its because they think anyone who uses hair straightners and hairspray is comman muck. The fluffy hair look also stems from the Polo sport scene, and the horse riding scene - which a Posh Girl has taken part of most of her life, or frequented such pretentious events. Usually pro fox-hunting as their parents are country folk, and also class themselves as a Tory - because thats what their Father's political stance is... they actually dont follow politics themselves and dont know what a Tory is anywho.

Posh Girls, you'll find, tend to show off there poshness mostly in the Sixth form faze (16 - 18 yrs old)- and always don the latest fashion clothes and accessories (as long as they are a'Posh Girl' style). However, Posh Girls dont earn and pay for the clothes etc themselves. They dont usually work as their parents buy them these clothes. Posh Girls cash in on their parents underlying guilt of sending them off to private boarding schools as soon as they popped out into the world.

Note the loud dangly sounding silver bracelets and earrings these girls wear. This draws attention to just how Posh and Rich these girls are. Notice the extreamly rosey cheeks. This tends to stem from numorous rah-rar Hockey stick matches played during Phys-Ed at Posh School.

The clothes, like the hair - stems from the emo scene - but not quite so emo. More flower prints and hippy bags. Bright colours. They dont actually lisen to alternative music at all but like to pretend they do so they can attract the Surfers in Cornwall, and Brighton - England.

The Posh Girls can usually be spotted on the metro in London, Sloan Square, and Bond Street.

Normal Person 1: "lets head over here to go shopping."

Normal Person 2: "We cant, there is a group of Posh Girls heading towards us, and their fluffy hair is blocking the way!"

See rich, snotty, snob, snobby, snobbish, topshop


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