Positive Patty

What is Positive Patty?


The complete opposite of a Negative Nancy. One who always looks at the brighter side of things. With Positive Patty, the glass is always half full.

Nig nog: Momma, why we gots no food ta eats?

Positive Patty: Nigga, at least you gots a roof over yo head. Now go play with yo friends outside while I get my $220 hair did.

Nig nog: Officer, I swear I was going the speed limit, I've never even gotten a speeding ticket before!

Positive Patty: Now sir if you cooperate everything will be alright, jail isn't such a bad place after all.

Nig nog: Fuck niggas the po-lice is comin' and I be fucked UP!

Positive Patty: We'll be fine.

Nig nog: Why da whyte man gotta keep us down?

Positive Patty: Lemonjalow, if it weren't for the white man, who would be paying for your welfare checks?

See negative nancy, america, pie, nigger, cunt


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