What is Post Grunge Pill Head?
a post grunge pill head is a person who used to be a grunger who as they got older, broadend their musical taste, from being all about thrashing guitars, to liking drum n bass and electro beats from artists such as 2 many dj's and the
The post grunge pillhead will have no qualms about letting you know that you are a grunger.
Post grunge pillheads will most probably be part of woodcraft. Dont even get me started on that one.
Jack: Letty you're a grunger.
Letty: How am i a grunger?
Jack: Becasue you..like.. dont totally like the klaxons.
Letty: Yeah thats because the Klaxons are fucking awful.
Jack: Oh my God! How can you not like this song?! The klaxons are totally yah!
Letty: Shut up. You're a post grunge pill head.