What is Post Potter Depression?


The depression one feels upon finishing a Harry Potter novel, or the Harry Potter series. Is brought about by the realization that one must return to the real world, and that reclusive reading does not make one a wizard.

Usually felt internationally in the two weeks succeeding the book's release.

Post Potter Depression (PPD) is an emotional state, and is generally inversely related to the Economic Post Potter Elation (EPPE) initially felt by Bloomsbury, Scholastic, and Raincoast Books, and felt soon thereafter by the world's retail booksellers.

Post Potter Depression may remain incurable for some, but many recover within a week of showing initial symptoms.

Most people, mainly parents, feel it is not a serious condition and will cure itself.

Crikey, Dave! Take off the Gryffindor scarf and come for a swim! I think you're suffering from Post Potter Depression!

See harry potter, depression, condition, book, novel


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