What is Post Relationship Symdrome?


Post Relationshp Symdrome (or PRS) is when a partner goes through menopause like symptoms after breaking up with a friend or marriage partner. There are periods of time where there is a severe change in personality that is mostly related to the emotional changes in life brought about by the break up.

The rage can be during short periods of time or last for longer periods of time depending on the condition of the person. However, the rage may be significant and major departure from normal mood and temperament.

Joe: Jean was the sweetest girl you ever met till she got severe post relationship symdrome.

Bob: I guess when you fall in love from the high she was on and into your bedroom where your boyfriend is pumping your best friend, your going to loose a few screws and unravel on occassion.

Johnson: Yea, but it is been 12 years. She definately needs a good screwdiver to put her back together again.

See prs, relationship


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