What is Post-potter Depression?


The empty feeling that comes from finishing the seventh book in the Harry Potter series and realizing there will be no more.

Lucy started reading the Golden Compass books to fight her post-Potter depression but she said she just kept waiting for Voldemort to show up.

See depression, hogwarts, sad


The feeling that a chunk of your heart was just ripped out after having finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, knowing that you will never again feel the anticipation, the excitment, the pre-release hype that ever accompanies a Harry Potter book release.

After gloating that she was right about Snape all along, post-Potter depression kicked in and the girl locked herself in her room for a week straight continuously sobbing and shouting riddiculous incantations at the door trying to make it turn into a portal to Hogwarts.

See hogwarts, depression, harry, potter, addiction


The feeling one gets after completing the final book of the Harry Potter series, knowing that there is no more to the story and you have nothing left to look forward to anymore.

Man, I finished the Deathly Hallows and just sat around for days staring at it, wishing there was more...I think I've got Post-Potter Depression.

See harry, rowling, potter, hermione, book


when the intern (who looks like harry potter) leaves to go back to school.

i've got a great mom joke, but mark's not here. i've got some serious post-Potter depression .

See m3, mark, potter, mom, jokes, cougar, jerkman


The feeling a nerd gets after reading the last book about fairies and wizards and other homo-erotica...AKA Harry Potter.

"I just finished the last Harry Potter book, I think I have post-Potter depression. What do you think?"

"I think you have sand in your vagina."

See nerd, loser, homo-erotica, harry potter, vagina


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