What is Post-twilight Depression?


the feeling a person gets when they finish the last book of the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn, and decide that its dull and boring main character will never measure up to the skillfully-crafted main characters in the Harry Potter series

I finished reading the Twilight saga, and then I felt like I would go through a post-Twilight depression, but it quickly ended... I realized that in twenty years from now, in the middle of my midlife crisis, I would re-read the Harry Potter series for comfort, not Twilight, which just can't be compared to J.K. Rowling's writing style.

See twilight, edward, bella, meyer, cullen, forks, saga


The mixed feeling of wondering awe and devestating sadness when a person finishes the last book of the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn.

Caution: Persons may have suicidal thoughts after finishing this unrealistically intriguing series...if you are one of these people be sure to remember the future Twilight movies that are yet to be released and that the half book Midnight Sun is posted on Stephanie Meyers website.

Sally: (In library) I'm done...I hav officially finished the TwilightSaga. Im not sure if i shud cry, scream, laugh, or killmyself...

Hally: Omg!!! I thought the exact same thing when i finished them. Its called post-Twilight depression...just read Midnight Sun and it will go away.

See twilight, edward, bella, meyer, cullen, forks, saga, jacob


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