
What is Potomac?


The "Darkhorse" of rich American towns, Potomac is, based on per capita income, the richest community in the Country. While it is often believed that Greenwichor Westport is the Mecca of haute coutre and the center of White Judeo-Protestant wealth, Potomac residents exceed their combined aggregate income by 9 figures. It is not uncommon to smoke a cigar in what is affectionately known as "the Village" with the Director of the CIA, Michael Jordon (who has a business residence here), and film icon Barry Levinson. In addition, 30 percent of Potomac's inhabitants started or currently run multi-billion dollar bio-tech and defense firms. This stands in stark contrast to Greenwichand Westport because it is indicative of both Potomac residents' superior intelligence and lack of propensity to find comfort in estate-generated inheritance wealth.

Children in Potomac, while extremely comfortable, are not like the children of other ultra-elite towns in America because they understand the value of work and, more often than not, cannot rely on an inheritance or pure nepotism to guarantee them a job, since their parents are often highly specialized lawyers, doctors, CEO's, politicians, ambassadors, or the Vice President. This does not mean, however, that they are not the object of familial spending. A walk through the Churchill HS parking lot is reminiscent of a DuPont Registry Catalouge. Parties in the area often have at least two kegs filled with a special-order microbrew and an obscure, but fantastic import. Marijuana is never purchased; 8-12 ounces is placed at the center of the party for all to partake in. the party ends when the parents' return from their business trip to Milan and Dubai in a private helicopter.

All this, and the town is adjacent to one of the largest national parks on the Eastern Seaboard, as well as the beacon of the free world, Washington D.C.

Either way, the town is the shit and all the connecticuit wannabes need to take a trip down south to see what it means to be actively, responsibly, and tremendously RICH.

Greenwich and Westport kids are ostentatious because they are jealous of Potomac kids.

See rich, money, wealth, greenwich, potomac, millionaire, bling, prep


place where the highest-income families in maryland live. in fact, it's the city with the highest-income families in the entire country. small suburban city where everyone is rich as shit and drives ferrari's and porsche's. consists mainly of asians and white jewish kids who are all snobby and think they're better than everyone else

dude 1: dude you live in potomac? you must be rich as shit.

dude 2: no not everyone in potomac is rich, there are the ghettos of potomac

dude 1: you liar

dude 2: =/


The greatest, richest suburb of the united states. Where kids get what they want and can get away with anything. Late nights in friends giant basements and house parties in the best houses. No other town in america can compete.

Michael Jordan built the sickest house in Ptown


1. richass city located in Maryland where all the parents own companies and millions of dollars

2. richass city located in Maryland where preppy girls put ribbons in their hair and buy $300 outfits and almost never repeat their clothes

3. richass city located in Maryland where people think they are better than everyone and only deserve the best and most expensive items

4. richass city located in Maryland where all the guys and girls happen to be fucking hot and same with the parents

Girl #1: Omg I went shopping yesterday and bought TEN juicy outfits!!! It was so cheap I only spent $3000.

Girl #2: ME TOO!! I only spent about $2000 though...ew look at that girl's outfit. I bet it's from KOHL'S OR SOMETHING and it was only $50. HAHAHA

Girl #3. EW. THAT'S SO GROSS. EW EW EW EW EW EW !!!!!!!


A city where everyone lives in lala land, having no idea what the real world is like and smoking pot is a full time job. Kids get a BMW as their first car and if they crash it they get a better one. Girls refuse to leave their multi-million dollar houses if no make up is available to put on. Montgomery mall seems to the mothership for all teenagers. Girls are easy, in order to fit in. Friends pass girls around like soap.

girl 1: wtf! my daddy bought me a fucking convertable BMW for my 16th birthday!

Girl 2: aw shit, what a bummer. Now what?

Girl 1: I think i'll crash it so i'll get a better one. I always wanted a Ferrari anyways.

Girl 2: Seriously. Like, BMW is for people who live in Silverspring or Gaithersburg. ew.

See wtf


because potomac is the city where the highest income families in the country live, it is the most stereotyped city too. everybody thinks potomac is full of japs but that isn't true. yes, we may be rich, but don't assume that everyone is a spoiled, stuck-up bitch. a town where the girls are hot, the guys are hot and prep fashion is ALWAYS in. in addition, churchill dominates every other high school in the area. GO DAWGS!

hot guy #1: check out that hottie over there

hot guy #2: damnn and she looks rich as shit too..she must be from potomac

hot guy #1: sweet!


A river that separates Maryland from Virginia

When you're driving South on 95, leave your mind on the Maryland side of the Potomac.


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