
What is Potsdam?


Potsdam is small rural town, that is home to a small residential college affiliated with the state university system of New York. Potsdam is often referred to as the cultural center of the North Country (although that is not saying much). This is made so because of the Crane School of Music, whose students make up a considerable percentage of the campus population.

While it is no secret that the school has a large and influential gay community, what is less exploited is the overwhelming population of inbred redneck assholes who happen to share the same campus. This breed is easy to spot. They are found typically stumbling through the academic quad, smoking (and getting caught) in Lehman park, accosting sorority girls and/or burning unintelligible messages onto the elevator ceilings.

Generally, students of SUNY Potsdam who aren't music majors in the Crane School are only here for one of three reasons.

1) They are townies

2) They dropped out of Crane, or are still trying to get in

or 3) They were too stupid to be accepted anywhere else

An overwhelming majority of the "Libbies" here at SUNY Potsdam fall into that third category.

"Cranies" are often stereotyped as being gay, uptight and boring. Albeit, it is nearly impossible to find a straight male voice major, this description is very untrue for most Crane majors. Crane parties have better beer, and they last longer because they aren't broken up by the police nearly as often. You are also 5 times as likely not to get raped (even by a gay Crane major).

Here is a rough breakdown of the population on campus:

30% Crane students

15% Mouthy Lawng Island ass clowns

15% considered legally retarded

15% fat and or ugly

10% townies

5% loser Draime-dwelling upperclassmen that haven't moved off campus yet

5% the Asian kids who never leave Crane

4% tolerable Long Island residents

1% minorities who only come out at night

The Greek life here sucks. Most of the sororities are filled with mildly attractive, severely diseased bitches (IE. AGO). The fraternities are no different (IE. Sig Pigs).

All in all, if you're here for the right reasons, Potsdam isn't such a bad place to be. If you don’t like it, leave. No one will miss you.

Oh yeah. And the food at Lehman makes you shit.

You're going to SUNY Potsdam for biology?? Why?

See the dam, cold, crane, suny, libby, cranie


Home of 4000 to 5000 SUNY Potsdam Students who are bitter that they didn't get into the other University in Potsdam, known as Clarkson University. Clarkson University Students enjoy the following: Drinking, Smoking weed, ripping on SUNY Potsdam students, ripping on Towny's, banging SUNY Potsdam broads, banging Towny's, and a small percentage enjoy watching the D1 hockey program that is offered.

Fraternity life is good, as long as you stay away from houses on Elm Street, with the exception of DU, DK, and CROW. There are a few good sororities in town, for the most part, most sorority girls enjoy blowing lines of coke off of each others vagina's.

Potsdam is a great place to make bad decisions with huge chicks and make good decisions with mediocre chicks. Girls here get a three point curve, ie. a 3 point fat chick is rated at 6 points at Potsdam. Girls 7 and above do not exist. The cold air and high latitude will impair your judgment.

Overall, Potsdam is a great place to go unless you enjoy decent weather and good looking woman.

Potsdam, is a classy place to be, if your a girl, and your large.

See clarkson, potsdam, fat, college


The whitest place in the known universe. Also the gayest place in the known universe. It quite possibly has the largest homosexual population in Northern New York. We can thank the Crane School of music and all of it's well known fudgepackers for this. Every store closes at 5 p.m. The only thing to do in this town is get drunk, smoke a reefer, or masturbate on a flag pole. Do not come here!! EVERRRRRRR If you think massena is an asshole in the ground, potsdam is the dirty sweaty arm pit in a 65 year old fat man. Thank you. Have a good night.

We stopped in Potsdam on the way to Massena for a snack at 2 in the afternoon, and everything was closed. WTF mate?!!?

See crane, drunk, reefer, masturbate


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