
What is Poustoneo?


greek-cypriot offensive word meaning "a newbie in the army"

kane ka8ariotites re poustoneo mi se liwsw sto 2-4

See poustoneo


Mpletsios Iwannhs, 721 TMX-Drepano.

Katoikos Katerinhs- hlekrologos

Mpletsio 4aki kausima

See jim


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Õ.Ã.Ñå,äåí èá îáíáêÜíù üñãáíï...

Ï ÐéðåñéÜò ôï ðïõóôüíåï ðÜëé ôéò óêÜôùóå ôéò õðçñåóßåò


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