
What is P.o.w.?


Prisoner Of War

Someone (usualy a solider) is captured by the opisition forces. While being held is called a "P.O.W." or Prisoner Of War. Though this is almost always a solider held by there nations enemy forces, it is not limited to this, it can be applied to anyone taken captive during war time. Look up the T.V. show "Hogan's Heros". It is about a group of multinational Prisoners Of War being held in a Nazi P.O.W. camp during world war two, and get into many comical situations, once and for all proving that Nazis are hilaious.


Pig Of the Week... An award given to your frat buddy's for hooking up with the ugliest girl on campus. This is a weekly award usually given out on a sunday's.

Mike, that girl you hook up with was nasty... You get the POW award this week!

See Inferno


Piss old wanker.....A fake prisoner of war that usually hangs out in VFW's, and other hole in the wall bars and talks about fighting in vietnam. Fake stories and tries to I.D. everyone. Everyone wishes they were still M.I.A.


That retarded P.O.W. better leave me the fuck alone before I stick this pool cue up his ass. shit....

See fake, pow, missing, old, loser, turd


Prisoner of Wayne. Wayne likes to take grown men prisoner and make them his sex slave. P.O.W.'s are forced to wear women's clothing and makeup.

Dave Nolan is a P.O.W. Watch out for the Battle of the Bulge.


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