What is Power Of The Liquor Store?


Ahhhh the Liquor store. People go there to buy booze, get

drunk and have a good time. The Liquor store is fun but not very many know how

powerful the liquor store really is.

Yes the Liquor Store is POWERFUL. How powerful is it. They provide some useful

tools to fuck some fat and ugly bitches. How, well lets just say there’s this

fat ugly bitch who wants to fuck you and she is the only vagina around and

there is nothing else to do. It just so happens you bought some Vodka from the

Liquor store and drank the whole bottle. Now the fat bitch is starting to look

hotter but she is still ugly. What now? Well they put the booze in a brown

paper bag so you can use the paper bag to cover her face. Now she’s hot and you

can now fuck her. Beware that some bitches out there WILL be too powerful

for the liquor store.

But the Liquor Store has another use for it as well. This one will get hot

bitches in bed. Say there is this hot bitch you want to fuck and you just found

out she drinks. Let’s just say she like jager bombs. So you grab some redbull

and some jager you bought from the Liquor Store and you two drink till she is

horny. Be careful that YOU don’t drink too much because you want to be buzzed

for later. It’s optional to put "the pill" as well ha ha.

But the Liquor Store is not just used for sex. Let’s just say one of those

bitches you fuckin (fat or otherwise) has a boyfriend (or girlfriend if they’re

lesbian/bi) and they want to kill you. Well you got a weapon to fight back

with. The Bottle you drank booze out of. Just Smash them in the face with a

bottle and they will go out most of the time. Don't worry when they fight back

because your numb from the booze.

But do not underestimate the Power of the Liquor Store because it has its side effects.

Side effects include vomiting, hang over, can't drive worth shit, memory loss,

kidney damage, liver damage, loss of brain cells, making an ass out of

yourself, pregnancy, stalkers, bar fights, love triangles, having to go to the 12 step program, marriages, horse fucking,

uncontrollable farts, speaking in gibberish, unprotected sex, job loss, clothes lost, pissing

everywhere, slowly freezing yourself

to death, crabs, genital warts, genital herpes, rash, AIDS, homeless,

crack addition, money loss, family members gettin pissed at you, loss of teeth,

blurry double vision, beer belly, breath smells like

booze, you smell like booze, having an urge to go into the ocean to fuck

manatees (aka the sea cow) and last but not least.... well WHO GIVES A FUCK


So now you know how powerful liquor store really is. on a serious note...



Power of the Liquor StoreLiquorLiquor Store booze

See liquor store, liquor, beer, arbys, cow


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