
What is Powerful?


Full of power. Lots of features.

The TCL language is very powerful

See kyle, powerful, tcl, language, very


1. When anything or anyone excend the ability to over bench 300lbs and when the scouter read its power level to be OVER 9,000.

2. The ability to do anything (such as banging your mom).

3. Chuck Norris.

D: Why the fuck did you do that?!!

V: Cause I'm POWERFUL!!!!!

V: I aced the test cause the teacher printed it in the library


See five, over 9000, dragon ball z


An adjective describing someone or something who is in possession of some form of power.

The king is powerful!


adj. add this as an adjective to make any phrase sound like you are an incredibly redneck. also, the word "bud" should be added at the end of the sentence.

We gonna get powerful drunk bud.

That guy in the whitehouse is powerful stupid bud.


Another word for very, uber, mucho, and any other word that means...intensely. Stolen from the 1940's

Wow, that is powerful cool!!!!

This shirt is powerful tight!

You're a powerful cool person.


an adjective for emphasising the word "very". Originated from the Simpsons, "Tall Tale Episode"

Those Dilanger bullets are powerful weak.

See Chandler


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