
What is Poy?


1) Usually said when departing. 2)Peace Out Yo

POY! m/


The word poy refers to the use of alcohol to gain the confidence to attract the female sex, especially when the user is targeting a younger girl.

mate im gonna need to get poy'd to approach that little hotty!

See poy, alcohol, wasted, bashed


"Pictures of Yourself"

Often used on forums describing a thread containing pictures the users have posted of themselves.

I've posted a picture of me in the POY thread.

See poy, forums, of, yourself


n. lightsticks, LEDs, or other light-emitting objects tied to the ends of long stringsswung around by a person to simulate unbroken rings of light surrounding the person

n. the technique of swinging such devices to simulate unbroken rings of light surrounding the person

1) I made some poy for tonight's party; I hope I can get it right!

2) Some friends of mine can do poy for hours at a time and not drop their strings a single time!


In sports meaning Player of the Year.

My choice for POY is Joe Montana.

See poy, sports, player, baseball, basketball, football, hoops


meaning piss off, yeah

just poy!


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