
What is Pozzie?


1. Positive; or good 2. A person who thinks constructively for themselves, others, and all life 3. A life enthusiast

1. If it's not pozzie, I'm not interested.

2. John quit drugs and was inspired to become a health teacher. He loves people, and he's also involved in an enviromental program to help keep the enviroment clean. I think it's safe to call him a Pozzie.

3. There needs to be more Pozzies in the world today!

See good, negative, bad


Someone who makes good of what has become bad in his life.

He is living a pozzie life now that he is in Alaska.


Slang term used for a person that is HIV positive. Usually only used between two HIV positive people.

I am going to a support group for Pozzies today.

See hiv, aids, positive, carrier


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