
What is P2p?


Acronym for Peer to Peer. Refers to computer systems that communicate to each other through a network without passing through a central server. Each computer on the network communicates with each other computer.

Our new software communicates p2p

See Chuck


Can stand for:

1.Program-to-Paper meaning printing.

2.Pay-to-Play consisting of games which require you to pay everytime you want to play, similar to PPV.

3.Peer-to-Peer This is the most accurate acronym. It consists of netwroks which do not interact thru servers and go directly from client to client, and is also known as FileSharing.

1.Is my speech ready? No sir, it is still being P2P'ed.

2.You will end up being bankrupt if you continue these P2P games.

3.I am planning to create a new P2P program to facilate the quick transfer of files from one user to another.

See gnutella, bit torrent


n. System of filesharing popularized after the shutdown of Napster by greedy bigots who failed to realize that the Internet has finally leveled the playing field.

Thousands of P2P networks sprang up after Napster was shut down by the Righteous Indignant Assholes Association.


A force not to be fucked with.

Users outnumber any MPAA, RIAA, anti piracy goons.

Fueled partly by the scene (no not the emo myspace camwhore shit...), P2P allows for one to download anything digital without annoying copy protection built in. Anything you can think of, someone, somewhere is sharing it. Sometimes one can get what they want before it even hits stores. P2P is an anti-piracy company's worst nightmare...

You can't stop all of us. United we stand.

To MediaDefender: thanks for all the emails :P

P2P cannot be stopped. Even Dan Glickman said so.

See p2p, bittorrent, scene, gnutella, emule, edonkey, kad, riaa, mpaa, piracy


An interesting acronym; Can either mean:

1: Pay-to-play, games that charge monthly fees to play, or more often:

2: Peer-to-peer, the exact opposite; people on a network (usually a program like eMuleor Kazaaover the internet) sharing computer files that are usually illegally cracked.

1: Games that are p2p drain money fast from subscribers, who either run out of money to fund it or have pockets deep enough to buy the company.

2: Hey, do you prefer eMuleover Kazaafor your p2p needs?


What the RIAA don't want you to use or know about.

d00d! Dis P2P is da shiznit! Im not gonna buy a cd again!

See beto


Pay to Play. Ussually a term used in online multiplayer games that have a free mode as well as a pay mode.

<Player1> is that item p2p?

<Player2> Yes it is, you can't take it to a free to play world.


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