What is Ppd?
Posts per Day
used on message boards to show how many times the user posts each day, on average.
Also commonly abbreviated as "p/d"
I have a postcount of 15000 and 32 ppd
Post-Penile-Drip: When peeing at a
Girl #1: Hey, you got spots on your pants...
Guy #1: Ahh dammit! I have PPD, I mean I splashed water at the sink...
Post Play Depression - When one is finished the run of a show, usually for school, they go through a period of extreme boredom and lethargy. "This is Post Play Depression. They may recite their lines from said show over and over until friends and family are so sick of it that they are thrown out of the house, randomly start doing the choreography or burst out into a song from the show at the mention of a word that plays into the song. Usually passes within 6-8 weeks or within close range of the next play, whichever comes first.
Rodney : Hey, are you gonna pay the bills this week or do you want me to?
Anthony : ::Sings:: We're not gonna pay last years rent, this years rent, next years RENT!!!
Rodney: Oh ok... I get it. You've got PPD
Post Penial Drip- when you sit down to pee and you stand up thinking your done, but more pee comes out and you urinate in your boxers
the other day I was squating and I thought I stopped peeing, then I got up and had serious PPD