Pqr Libby Isomorph

What is Pqr Libby Isomorph?



This is a term used in Law that depicts one case as another case. This using Legal precedence of "parts of other cases," to have "defense council," in secret military prosecutions, to maintain a due process of a fair deliberation in cases that do not have due process and predetermine guilt based on behavior: in cases that apply extreme executive prejudice. So that the "end convergent case," of parts of defense meet a due process of deliberations. Especially used in other non-distinct relationships of cases as against Mind Control in the C.I.A. with MK ULTRA in conforming case, and interpiting predetermined behaviors, to meet legal basis required precedence for jurisdiction and sovereignty in defense of grand conspiracy charge cases that use "nanny-boo-boo politics," a type of politic that determines all thing as oppostion and in order to defende from them declare to advisors to solve all problem by making it the opposite and dividing into 2. For instance, in a PQR-libby isomorph one may have issues in distinguishing one thing from another thing but in a analysis of parts of other cases, including an administrative theory as an evidicuary component of all cases of predetermination and surviellance depicted from predetermination that effects due process, may have same distinct qualities. This term originated in the review of Douglas Hofstadter's book on creative intelligence in Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. This term implies that "leaders," have problems in using legal resources and defining legal cases for defenses in order to not have appropriation's investigations for criminal aptitude of the Central Intelligence Agency to determine one thing as another thing in creating a "paradigm of reasoning," for each thing in set P being in parts of a canon of proportion the same as part Q as the same as part R as to be justified if all parts PQR are approximate enough and create explanations to overcomplicate things to make thing of argument seem to be things of sensible relationships to rationale in efforts to obsfucicate reasoning.

For intense, guilty party abc in teaching the little asshole a lesson on Mind Control cases, used names of things that appealed to ABC personality and "abbreactive intent," in acting out ABC little lesson with a Mind Control Conformity of Mind Kamp Ultra. In doing so in the famous arguments of the book 1984 decided to use names like- Mcloud and Kimball as a little mind control puntster, and decided to use people in Nap-a California in a sleeper investigation as a pun like NAP-a and in doing so I suggested that the New York City Police Detectives- MCLOUD of the Sixties and the Famous Frame Up- KIMBALL the Fugitive, in the Sixties T.V Show be like a ARMY SIGNAL CORP sponsored series the Big Picture T.V. Series- to remove an invetigation from the Federal Marshal's with my MIND CONTROL ASSETS IN PLAY. When the cases converged in essence the PQR analogies subject a scrutiny on an administrative prejudice and assert that a legal defense was garnered in light of extreme executive prejudice.

One may say in overly complicated cases in law that if one requires over 2,000 hours of legal farming that one may request all like cases of any nature and declare that we may have to use a PQR Libby Isomorph to get our case constructed on other grounds. Also for instance a person may say, did you get the man “pullin’ a Mclellin,” with the pqr Libby isomorph on the jtjames.spymac homepage referencing the white house press secretary McClellan with a PQR match of case to Mclellan as a hero of Guilty party- as in P- George B. McClellan of the Civil War Q- Scott McClellan the Former White House Press Secretary R- John L. McClellan of Arkansas chaired the PSI. McClellan continued extensive hearings of the Army Signal Corps at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, and added new inquiries relating to communist activities in the United States and to business activities and alleged improper activities of Corrupt Entities and persons.

Bob: Is the case with defining a cause to sieze control of services justified yet?

Billy: No, it looks like I will need a list of all infamous cases to conspire with a PQR Libby Isomorph in order to sieze control of all property under the fifth ammendment.

See simile, meaning, failure, rico, reform


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