
What is P-rah?


Is the term used to describe a woman’s menstrual discharge in the form, sound, or excretion of a bloody pussy fart. Like its cousin, Queef, P-RAH derives from the power of the black hole like vacuum formed in a woman’s inner vagina while being savagely pounded by the piercing torpedo like effect of the penis. However, this explosive sweaty locker room shockwave is infused with the rich vitamins a minerals of a woman’s menstrual juices. Thus the repulsive sound of a very wet, very bloody, P-RAH.

"Man, I was eating out my woman the other night and she did a P-RAH all over my face."

"Our honey money was amazing until the bitch took a P-RAH on my new sea monkey farm."

See pussy fart, queef, menstrual


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