Prat Fall

What is Prat Fall?


A cock-up, stupid mistake or indiscretion that only an idiot or moron would make.

See 'prat', a total 'whally'

I also had a spectacular prat fall while shopping that resulted in a pool of blood.

And so we're back to the time honoured game of waiting for top politicians to take a prat-fall.

He has evolved into a kind of snarling, brilliantined Monsieur Hulot, a world specialist in the diplomatic prat-fall and coq-up.

At a conference earlier this year, he posited that the classic banana-peel pratfall is funny only when the victim gets up, and that we laugh to alert "other members of our kin..

A clumsy comedy pratfall worthy of Laurel and Hardy.

See prat, moron, idiot, complete prat, goof


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