
What is Prejudice?


The quality or condition of judging someone or a group of people before you meet them, usually using stereotypes.

"The secret is to say that you're prejudiced against all rascists"

- Homer Simpson

See do I have to put something here?


Not liking a person or group without a good reason.

Examples are racists, sexists, homophobes, ageists, etc...

My internet friend told me yesterday that he is black so now I hate him. He tells me I'm prejudiced. What an idiot.

See TR


passing injust judgement on someone based on an insignificant factor

some say hating prejudice people is prejudice in itself, but though hating someone because they opress and discriminate is not injust in any way

racists, homophobes, sexists, ageists, chauvanists etc

"I hate him"


"'cause he's white"

"...fuckin asshole"


Deciding something before understanding it. Assuming that someone will steal because they are black is an example of prejudice.

I think I'm prejudiced myself. I assume that anyone who is prejudiced is an idiot.(Of course I am!)


It's what is tearing this world apart.

The fact of unfairness; To hate someone for what they are

You're a prejudice because you despise him for being mentally disabled.


The condition of believing that one group, most often one the prejudor belongs to, is superior to another group. Most often applies in a negative manner, against those of different race, religion, creed, and nationality. see stereotype, anti-semetism, racism.

Hating people because they're black, gay, Jewish, Muslim, or whatever doesn't make much sense. You can easily find ways to hate people on an individual basis.

See Moses


1) a term that when used implies that someone has mistakenly and usually hatefully expected something, usually negitive, from a certain other or group of others.

2) Anytime you assume someone will help/hurt you based on all the knowledge availible, usually the knowledge doesn't tell the full story.

1) the prejudice girl clutched her purse when the black guy walked by.

2) I asked the cop where the nearest drugstore was but he didn't know.


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