
What is Preload?


To drink at home before going to the game, concert, bar, party, wedding, etc. where the drinks will either be expensive, crappy, or non-existent. To get buzzed, or even drunk, before going out.

Beers are $6 at the game, so let's preload.

I preloaded before the wedding. The church doesn't allow alcohol.

See drunk, loaded, dry


When a piece of software, a game for instance, is offered for download by the developer before the official release, but it can't be played yet due to a protection, this is called a preload.

Usually this service is only available for people who preordered the game.

Half-Life 2 could be preloaded from steam.

Crysis could be preloaded five days before the official release, from the EA servers.

See download, game, copy, preload


The act of eating copious amounts of food, with the intention of defecating in the hosts toilet. The end result being a smelly house.

Dude Chad is having a party, lets hit up taco bell and preload that faggots house.

See preload, pregame, pre game, party


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