
What is Pre-nup?


A legal document signed before marriage to level the playing so that the dominant bread winner (preferrably the male) will not have to worry about his wife strangling him by the balls during a messy divorce.

It assures that at the most, she'll retain the kids, but will not gain any financial liability in the assets of the man that was made either before or during the marriage.

Since 50% of all women have a hidden agenda of gaining finacial stability and a sexual dynamo in a regulates that YOU DON'T GET SHIT if we split!!!!!!

(Argument between a husband and wife) Fuck you bitch, since your dumbass signed this pre-nup, that means that I keep the house AND I don't have to put up with your shit. So YOU and YOUR kids can both get the fuck out! I'm THE GODDAMN KING of MY domain!!!


Shorthand for "Pre-nuptial agreement".

-This is a contract signed by both partners of the marriage before it happens, limiting the rights of one partner or both on event of divorce.

Pre-nups are a long way from total acceptance anywhere in the world, but in the next ten years it is quite likely that more of these will find their ways into a mrriage.

No bitch be marryin' me without a pre-nup.

See Gumba Gumba


Prenuptial agreement.

Theoretically it is a contract signed by both a man and a woman before marriage, and helps with splitting the property between both parties in the event of a divorce.

A temporary and useless piece of paper that expires after a short time and can be voidable at any time by the woman, thanks to the fact that the legal system is now in her control.

Joe watched in horror as his ex-wife Suzy tore up the pre-nup document in the courtroom and the judge ordered him to hand over his house and life-savings to her.

See sarcastic


A useless legal document easily voided by even the most average of divorce attorneys.What she does'nt get in alimony

or property settlement...she will more than get in CHILD SUPPORT.Why do you think she had them?

DIVORCEE'- "What are we gonna do? I stupidly signed that damn

pre-nup eight years ago.'The fuck was I thinking?"

ATTORNEY- "We're goodurts care about the welfare of the

child over anything.Did I mention they don't

make you document where...or how you spend child

support payments? Little Emily is worth about

20 grand a month based on his present income.

The judge is a woman.I'll probably get you 25."

DIVORCEE'-"I think I love you."

ATTORNEY-"After this is over we'll do a weekend down in

St.Bartts.Bring your pill."

See divorce, fraud


A contract made between a man and a woman before marriage so that if a divorce should occur the property and money and other assets will be split or taken by the man or wife.

If you aint no punk holla We Want Pre-nup


It's something that you need to have

Cause when she leave yo ass she gone leave with half

See money, contract, divorce, marriage, wife, husband


Short for "pre-nuptial". It is a document that you get BEFORE marriage. It exists for the purpose of protecting you in case of divorce.

It is for this reason that only fools don't get a pre-nup. Pre-nups are created to protect major assets such as a house or anything that gives you a lot of money. Pre-nups make it so that your wife doesn't take everything from you, including your testicles, in the event of a divorce (and with a 60%+ divorce rate, that's a pretty likely event).

Unfortunately, there are many courts who just throws out the pre-nups. Usually for any reasons too. They might throw it out because your kids are staying with the wife (and trust me, they will be awarded to her) or because you're successful or just because she's a lazy bitch who refuses to find a job. And if the court doesn't do it for the previous reasons, she can just make a false claim of abuse or just a fear of it. After all, they won't question her on it.

While pre-nups do get thrown out a lot, many courts also respect it. So just get the damn pre-nup. What do you have to lose? Besides protecting you, it will also reveal a lot about your wife if she refuses to sign it. If you're one of the fools who think your wife-to-be would just want a quiet divorce, then I hope you're not bitter when you takes you for everything you worked for your whole life.

It's funny, but a few decades ago, pre-nuptials were made to protect women against men in case of divorce.

It's ironic that men are the ones who want a pre-nup the most now.


Agreement made before getting married. Will help in the divorce.

Thank god you were smart and got a pre-nup. Now you'll have a happy divorce.

See Vladimir


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