
What is Preps.?


"Ok i've been reading your definitions of "PREPS" i wear Abercrombie,AE,Hollister ETC. I have been called A "rich prep" i mean i got money and i get the stuff that i want for example i got a new car for my 14 birthday and i couldnt even drive yet, and, i've paid $200 for a pair of "ripped" abercrombie jeans, but i dont think i'm better than every one. In my school the "preps" do wear expensive stuff and have nice things but the dont act like there better than every on else, they talk to the unpopular kids and have friends who arent in the "PREP" class and at one point in time i bet every one reading this has talked about someone behind they back. i dont like labels and i dont think you should label us because we dont label you. i look at every one as an individual and i think that you should too. lifes too short to go through it hating some one for what they've got and there social status.

sure preps have nice things and have money but thats no reason to hate them."

That was said someone a few defintions back. I understand that some people have nice things (Even I do). But in alot of cases WHY?!?! A car at 14,a $200 pair of jeans. To me that is pure stupidity. And the reason every hates preps is because there are a few idiots who think there better then the average person. If your not a complete asshole. I dont care if you wear preppy cloths or music.

Nice Preps. = Good.

Jerk Off Preps. = Bad.

See preppy, prep, preps, poser


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