Pres Boy

What is Pres Boy?


(root: trini) one is definied as a pres boy when one takes pleasure in touching young boys or having coitus with older men. they tend to appear dark and ugly and seem to hav poured grease on their hair and skin. pimples full of puss and braces or retainers are not uncommon and bad breath and smelly armpits are defining features. in their natural habitat they can be seen hugging each other or kissing behind toilets.

1)oh shit! i think michael jackson is a pres boy.

2) my goat was raped by a pres boy.


Despite various false reports about these people, perpretrated by the homosexual naps men, these wild and noble animals roam in the the are of presentation college san fernando and are known for their ability to attract females from miles away. Unlike the naps men who have no interests other than boys and men.

The pres boy beat the fuckery out of the faggot naps man


1. The early, developmental, stage of a Pres Man

Well, you're a Pres Boy now, but soon enough you'll grow into a Pres Man.

NB: Pres Boys can become Pres Men. Naps Boys, on the other hand, are forever Naps Boys and are known to indulge in Napsboyism for the rest of their life.


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