
What is Presqual?


1) A sequal to movie that actually takes place during the first movie.

2) a mix of sequal and prequal.

2) pronounced "Pres-qwal"

1) The Lion King 1 1/2 was an amusing pesqual.

2) Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas was a sucky presqual. Does anybody even remember what it was about?

See movies, sequal, bad, amusing


1) A sequal to movie that actually takes place during the first movie.

2) a mix of sequal and prequal.

2) pronounced "Pres-qwal"

1) The Lion King 1 1/2 was an amusing pesqual.

2) Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas was a sucky presqual. Does anybody even remember what it was about?

See movies, sequal, bad, amusing


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