Press Conference

What is Press Conference?


Spreading the word to a group of people with complete disregard for the subjects privacy.

Mark: "So, now that everyone is here I would like to hold a press conference about what took place last night... Mandy, from accounting, now has herpes... I GAVE THEM TO HER, I will now open the room to questions..."

Denise: "Did you tell her before or after the sex that you had the curse?"

Mark: "After... duh, next?"

James: "Are you attracted to her or just trying to spread herpes?"

Mark: "Ah yes that's a good one, ummm... jeees.... I'm going to have to go with the second one... cause.. she kind of has that weird nose thing going on and.. yeah... "

See mean, dick move, hookup, asshole


A synonym for suicide. Origin comes from Budd Dwyer, a former Pennsylvania politician who, on the morning of January 22, 1987, committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver during a televised press conference.

"Man, my girlfriend just left me, my dog died, and there's no way to get a Rock Band pre-order for launch day. I'm thinking about holding a press conference."

See suicide, murder, shooting, self-harm, depression


Spreading the word to a group of people with complete disregard for the subjects privacy.

Mark: "So, now that everyone is here I would like to hold a press conference about what took place last night... Mandy, from accounting, now has herpes... I GAVE THEM TO HER, I will now open the room to questions..."

Denise: "Did you tell her before or after the sex that you had the curse?"

Mark: "After... duh, next?"

James: "Are you attracted to her or just trying to spread herpes?"

Mark: "Ah yes that's a good one, ummm... jeees.... I'm going to have to go with the second one... cause.. she kind of has that weird nose thing going on and.. yeah... "

See mean, dick move, hookup, asshole


A synonym for suicide. Origin comes from Budd Dwyer, a former Pennsylvania politician who, on the morning of January 22, 1987, committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver during a televised press conference.

"Man, my girlfriend just left me, my dog died, and there's no way to get a Rock Band pre-order for launch day. I'm thinking about holding a press conference."

See suicide, murder, shooting, self-harm, depression


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