
What is Pressure?


n. (heavy dance) music

dat is some serious jungle pressure


A name for weed. a florida/south term.

"Yo, you got dat pressure"

"Im rollin up da pressure"

"Da pressure got me stuck"

See pressure, weed, bud, green, trees


problem, it would be said to someone before a fight, got beef

a- fuck you bitch!

b- what nigga you got pressure??

a- bitch nigga i dont give a fuck

b- shoot me a fadethen

See beef, problem, issues, fight, fade


African-american vernacular to define hypertension, or high blood pressure.

My mama, her health is doin' better since she got on pills for her pressure.

See grohl


Motion that is not going anywhere.

1.At work I get allot of pressure when things start going wrong and I don't complete things fast enough.

2.If you run a 30-mile-an-hour car into a wall, you got more than 4000 pounds of pressure.

3. The pressure in the tank is air that wants to get out.

See pressure, stuck, press


n. (heavy dance) music

dat is some serious jungle pressure


A name for weed. a florida/south term.

"Yo, you got dat pressure"

"Im rollin up da pressure"

"Da pressure got me stuck"

See pressure, weed, bud, green, trees


problem, it would be said to someone before a fight, got beef

a- fuck you bitch!

b- what nigga you got pressure??

a- bitch nigga i dont give a fuck

b- shoot me a fadethen

See beef, problem, issues, fight, fade


African-american vernacular to define hypertension, or high blood pressure.

My mama, her health is doin' better since she got on pills for her pressure.

See grohl


Motion that is not going anywhere.

1.At work I get allot of pressure when things start going wrong and I don't complete things fast enough.

2.If you run a 30-mile-an-hour car into a wall, you got more than 4000 pounds of pressure.

3. The pressure in the tank is air that wants to get out.

See pressure, stuck, press


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