Pressure Cooking

What is Pressure Cooking?


Laying under an electric blanket in the winter and allowing the heat to cook up a major fart to reach its maximum odor. Similar to a dutch oven. Once this odor has been brewing, lift the blanket to release your concocted stench.

"Heidi, what are you doing under your blanket?"

"Pressure cooking, Daniel" (lift up blanket)

"Oh shit!" (daniel then passes out)

See dutch oven, fart, stench, stink bomb


Laying under an electric blanket in the winter and allowing the heat to cook up a major fart to reach its maximum odor. Similar to a dutch oven. Once this odor has been brewing, lift the blanket to release your concocted stench.

"Heidi, what are you doing under your blanket?"

"Pressure cooking, Daniel" (lift up blanket)

"Oh shit!" (daniel then passes out)

See dutch oven, fart, stench, stink bomb


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