Pressure Kickflip

What is Pressure Kickflip?


A skateboarding flip trick similar to a kickflip. The difference is that there is no pop (ollie.) The trick is usually preformed coming out of a grind. The board essentially falls off of the object (ledge/etc.) and flips.

Popularized by such skaters as Rick Howard and Marc Johnson. And is not to be mistaken for a "pressure flip" which is an entirely different trick.

Did you see MJ's opener in Fully Flared? He did a grind on a bent over parking post with a pressure kickflip out.

See skateboarding, gnar, hesh, shred, nocturnal


A skateboarding flip trick similar to a kickflip. The difference is that there is no pop (ollie.) The trick is usually preformed coming out of a grind. The board essentially falls off of the object (ledge/etc.) and flips.

Popularized by such skaters as Rick Howard and Marc Johnson. And is not to be mistaken for a "pressure flip" which is an entirely different trick.

Did you see MJ's opener in Fully Flared? He did a grind on a bent over parking post with a pressure kickflip out.

See skateboarding, gnar, hesh, shred, nocturnal


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