Pressure Of Speech

What is Pressure Of Speech?


Related to but not exactly like word salad. Tendency to speak rapidly and excitedly with an urgency not clear to the listener. Often the words get run together and are difficult to understand. Exhibited by schizophrenics, bipolars in a manic stage, and anyone under severe anxiety.

Normal:"And so we went to the Triple Tree to buy a new suit."

Pressure of Speech: "And so we-ent to the Treep to buy a newt."

See word salad, schizophrenia, bipolar, manic


Related to but not exactly like word salad. Tendency to speak rapidly and excitedly with an urgency not clear to the listener. Often the words get run together and are difficult to understand. Exhibited by schizophrenics, bipolars in a manic stage, and anyone under severe anxiety.

Normal:"And so we went to the Triple Tree to buy a new suit."

Pressure of Speech: "And so we-ent to the Treep to buy a newt."

See word salad, schizophrenia, bipolar, manic


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