
What is Pretend?


A game played by children using their imaginations in the absence of material games. Contrary to popular belief, Pretend came before role-playing games, fucker.

Pretend is awesome because you can do anything you want.


To pay for an item or service in advance

The new I-phone would be in such high demand that Bob went to the I-store ahead of the release date to pretend.

See deposit, reserve


pre·tned Audio pronunciation of "pretned" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prt-ned)

v. pre·tned·end, pre·tned·ning, pre·tnedzor

v. tr.

1. To give a false appearance of (in l33t); feign: You had to pretned you w3rn't a reral n00b

2. To claim or allege insincerely or falsely (in l33t); prof3ss: doesn't pretned t0 be l33t.

3. To represent not reral in play (in l33t); make believe: pretneded they were settin' up da bomb.

4. To take upon oneself (in l33t); venture: I cannot pretned t0 say that you sux0r.


A game played by children using their imaginations in the absence of material games. Contrary to popular belief, Pretend came before role-playing games, fucker.

Pretend is awesome because you can do anything you want.


To pay for an item or service in advance

The new I-phone would be in such high demand that Bob went to the I-store ahead of the release date to pretend.

See deposit, reserve


pre·tned Audio pronunciation of "pretned" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prt-ned)

v. pre·tned·end, pre·tned·ning, pre·tnedzor

v. tr.

1. To give a false appearance of (in l33t); feign: You had to pretned you w3rn't a reral n00b

2. To claim or allege insincerely or falsely (in l33t); prof3ss: doesn't pretned t0 be l33t.

3. To represent not reral in play (in l33t); make believe: pretneded they were settin' up da bomb.

4. To take upon oneself (in l33t); venture: I cannot pretned t0 say that you sux0r.


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