Pretty Friend

What is Pretty Friend?


The pretty friend is the friend the ugly girl ( ugly friend ) tries to imitate.

The ugly friend will try to look like them, will steal their clothes and try to steal their life but fail.

Usually the pretty friend will be favored over the ugly. she will be given everything and anything by men because she's so gorgeous and has a lot to offer.

The ugly friend will end up a failure in life with 10 kids and trying to get even with the pretty friend for the rest of her life.

Better move far away, the ugly friend wants revenge on the pretty friend now.

See hotter, richer, better


The pretty friend is the friend the ugly girl ( ugly friend ) tries to imitate.

The ugly friend will try to look like them, will steal their clothes and try to steal their life but fail.

Usually the pretty friend will be favored over the ugly. she will be given everything and anything by men because she's so gorgeous and has a lot to offer.

The ugly friend will end up a failure in life with 10 kids and trying to get even with the pretty friend for the rest of her life.

Better move far away, the ugly friend wants revenge on the pretty friend now.

See hotter, richer, better


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