
What is Prettyboyian?


1. Slang term for homosexual, usualy one who is flamboyantly flaming.

2. An ignorant, derogatory phrase used to indicate that the receiver is a homosexual.

3. A man whose emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction is geared toward other men; homosexual men who wear vintage North Face jackets in other words, a man who loves men.

4. A flamboyantly flaming homosexual who wears vintage North Face and takes pictures of himself wearing his vintage North Face jackets to get praise from other homosexuals or whats called "E-Props" from a website thats dedicated to vintage North Face/Polo and Old School "Hip-Hop".

"Hey Bill, you friggin' Prettyboyian"

"I must admit it mother, i am a Prettyboyian! *gasp*"

"That Tom Cruise is such a Prettyboyian!"

"Erm, are you a Prettyboyian?"

"Come and sit down and eat your Prettyboyian"

"Dude, it's a Prettyboyian bar!"

"Hey do i look like a Prettyboyian wearing this vintage North Face?"

"I can't wait to take this pic of me wearing my sweat stained, moldy smelly, cum stained Heli Jacket w/Vest

to get "E-props" from other men and post it on the website".

See poser, bum, cockblocker, fake, faggot, homosexual, homo, gay, cocksucker, fairy, fudge packer, douch, queer, bitch, cum guzzler, bukkake, hizzle, hizzled, flamboyant, flaming


1. Slang term for homosexual, usualy one who is flamboyantly flaming.

2. An ignorant, derogatory phrase used to indicate that the receiver is a homosexual.

3. A man whose emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction is geared toward other men; homosexual men who wear vintage North Face jackets in other words, a man who loves men.

4. A flamboyantly flaming homosexual who wears vintage North Face and takes pictures of himself wearing his vintage North Face jackets to get praise from other homosexuals or whats called "E-Props" from a website thats dedicated to vintage North Face/Polo and Old School "Hip-Hop".

"Hey Bill, you friggin' Prettyboyian"

"I must admit it mother, i am a Prettyboyian! *gasp*"

"That Tom Cruise is such a Prettyboyian!"

"Erm, are you a Prettyboyian?"

"Come and sit down and eat your Prettyboyian"

"Dude, it's a Prettyboyian bar!"

"Hey do i look like a Prettyboyian wearing this vintage North Face?"

"I can't wait to take this pic of me wearing my sweat stained, moldy smelly, cum stained Heli Jacket w/Vest

to get "E-props" from other men and post it on the website".

See poser, bum, cockblocker, fake, faggot, homosexual, homo, gay, cocksucker, fairy, fudge packer, douch, queer, bitch, cum guzzler, bukkake, hizzle, hizzled, flamboyant, flaming


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